Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Interesting collections

1. Caixa Forum Stairs2. Eternal clock3. Staircase4. Aloe polyphylla Schönland ex Pillans5. Whirl and reach out6. Aloe7. His Fingerprints8. Free Macro Pink School Notebook Spiral Creative Commons9. Time Spiral10. You are here11. 278 Spiralling Step's of the Amedee Lighthouse12. Looking up the lighthouse spiral staircase13. Tendril14. Le temps...15. Spiral staircase16. Blue spiral17. Fire escape18. Light in the tower19. Wendeltreppe Cafe Glockenspiel20. Bubble up21. Doyle Spiral+Inversion22. Curly Wurly23. Container spiral24. Icarus25. Smarties: Inverted Double Spiral (-1,2)26. CBA stairs27. Heart shaped spiral28. Spiral29. Recursive Daisy30. Out of the pit31. Bokeh Spiral32. Golden Spiral33. When bokeh and alcohol mix34. Gul näckros ~ waterlily35. 'Red Spiral'36. Spiral hallway37. Spiral38. Inside the Riemann Sphere39. New view40. Fondue enchaînée41. Triple Spiral42. Spiral Train43. Aloe polyphylla Schönland ex Pillans44. Escaleras del museo del Vaticano, Vatican Museum stairs.45. Look downstairs into stairwell whirl46. Chessboard47. Heavy Traffic48. Natural Geometry49. Crystal DNA50. Double Helix51. Time52. Ammonite53. Doyle spiral + Mobius transform54. Mobius Transform of a regular circle packing55. Spiral space56. Manhole cover variation57. Neverending story58. Home59. Ahmad Ibn Tulun Minaret, Fatimid Cairo60. Doyle Flushing61. Quasi Doyle Spiral62. Stairwell geometry63. Exiting the Vatican Museum64. Christmas DNA65. Spiral again66. Bitten67. Back to the stairs68. 3D Stereo Helix sculpture69. <spiral>70. Recursive bookshop71. Vatican stairs, escaleras del Vaticano.72. Sphere packing73. In Flames - Koh Tao june 200874. Circle of Protection75. Coil76. Recursive Stained Glass77. Spiral78. From the Black Hole79. Hell's Pit80. Stairs81. Spiraling Down82. Colors mixed83. Green Spiral  (IMG_6982)84. Tulip stair85. Corkscrew86. Smarties: Mandelbrot Set87. Passion to Perform 288. Moonflower at noon89. Bubble Nautilus90. Staircase91. IMG_677692. The world in a nutshell93. Spiral94. Lighthouse Insider95. The Downward Spiral96. Playing with sphere packing and sphere inversions97. Ducky Dazzle98. Druillet-like99. Similarities100. SpiralStaircase101. Fiddle me this102. Spiral103. Spiral Stair104. Towards the Sky105. Spiral-wogs106. DNA107. Large_evotree_20090122b108. Double Spiral with Random Outgrowth 1109. On the fence110. Staircase BW111. Spiral Staircase, Vatican112. More spiralage113. Spiral boxes114. Lighthouse stairs115. Vatican Staircase116. Linked in117. Armada spiral118. Birdproof Spiral Jet Engine119. Tangency120. NYC SUMMER 2007 #34121. Recursive soup122. A thin blue line123. Pixels124. Untitled125. Hidden beauty on pine tree126. Smokin' Star127. Apple Retail Store, NYC (#28896)128. Spiral Staircase in Palacio Barolo129. Eon130. Doyle Spiral131. DSC_2731132. Spiral Staircase,  Château de Versailles133. Write it down. right away.  wait...134. EF210 Freight Liner135. Worlds within worlds136. 137. Infinite Symbol138. Fresh as a daisy139. Subtle spiral140. Snowy view141. Salgo o scendo142. Just dessert143. Inside the Sun144. Cosmic Keyhole145. We're outta here!  Explored!146. A scene seen147. Black buck148. Thanksgiving Square Chapel From the Floor149. Slow food150. Juliusturm - staircase

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